
Guiding Young Mind’s work often involves collaboration with law enforcement agencies

Guiding Young Minds is a not-for-profit organisation that provides support to young people who are considered at high risk of involvement in street gangs, crime and violence. Since we are committed to working with at-risk youth, our work often involves collaboration with law enforcement agencies, and we very much support a multi-agency approach to addressing the complex needs of today’s vulnerable young people. Working together is two-way


Improving lives through attitude and behavior is our main focus

The GYM focus is on transforming lives, through attitude and behaviour management as well as through other interventions. Partnership with the police can be instrumental in identifying those young individuals who may be facing challenges related to personal development, social circumstances and ultimately behaviour, and who may benefit from referral to GYM for specialist mentoring and guidance.

We always put our young mentee first

The collaboration between Guiding Young Minds and law enforcement underscores the importance of a holistic and community-centred approach to addressing the needs of at-risk youth.

However it is important to note that we do not work for the police.  While welcome partnership working, this does not mean that we can share in intelligence gathering.

In order to successfully transform lives young people must be able to trust us completely – and we respect that trust. 

It is important that we are known to completely respect a young person’s confidence, unless of course safeguarding  issues are at stake.

Outreach to reduce crime

As well as offering individual mentoring GYM also supports the police through our Outreach Service, which can be sponsored to visit high crime areas or called upon to have a presence when trouble is expected locally. Statistics show that crime in an area reduces when the GYM bus is present.

We truly believe that no young person is:


And We want to support the young people you come across, who are currently on the wrong path, to enable that change to happen.

As they succeed we will support them and empower them to share their story with others, helping other young people to see that change is possible. All it takes is for one person to believe in change to grow that change in a community!