
GYM's work at prisions

Guiding Young Minds engages in direct one-to-one work within prison settings, supporting young people to reflect on their lives, preparing them for the future and motivating them towards different behaviour following release. We continue to support them after release if appropriate.

GYM Programmes

GYM have put together comprehensive programmes which our Teams deliver to groups of prisoners:

The Hustle Programme

The Hustle

The Hustle is a two-week programme aimed at prisoners who have turned what could have been a gift into a tool for harming others, ending them with a jail sentence. The programme is designed to increase awareness, so that young people can use their gifts and talents for positive means rather than to cause harm.

The Journey Out Programme

The Journey Out Programme

The Journey Out is a 12–14-week course covering the following:
  • Violence related trauma and its outworking (therapist led)
  • Understanding and tacking impulsive behaviour and angry outbursts
  • Making the right choices
  • Not breaking under peer pressure.
This course is interactive, with supportive activities to underline the message, and is adjusted to individual need. It has received extremely positive feedback from both inmates and prison officers.

We are able to provide other support in prisons in line with identified need, including the intensive mentoring of longer-term prisoners so that they can support new inmates. We welcome meetings with prison staff to discuss your current needs that GYM may be able to support.