Our Organisation

When a child or young person seeks help from the GYM team we look with them at their own goals and work to achieve what they themselves want to achieve.

We measure how they are before and after, to ensure that what we are doing together is making a difference.

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The Senior Lead of Guiding Young Minds – Anton

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Anton Noble is an Urban Youth Specialist in Gang culture and Youth violence. He has his own ‘lived experience’ in gangs, and having broken free from his past himself is now acknowledged as one of the UK’s leading Mentors working with young people caught up in gangs, serious youth violence and exploitation Now having over 5 years of experience as an Outreach Worker and qualified youth mentor, Anton is also a motivational and transformational speaker, advisor, mediator and Gang Exit Strategist. He won the Most Inspirational Male Role Model of the Year in Northamptonshire 2019 and featured in the Channel 4 documentary ‘Britain’s Young Drug Runners’, which won a best documentary award in 2019.

Anton’s purpose and drive comes from his passionate desire to share the love, grace and mercy which he has himself received and to and give this away to the young people he meets with, so it might instigate change in them as well. Anton leads the GYM (Guiding Young Minds) team in the Midlands, the GYM slogan being:

‘You’re never in too deep to make a change’

Our Detached Youth Specialist – Curtis

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“I can’t imagine some of the sh*t you’ve been through and seen. And I don’t want any of my friends going through that. When you were talking, all the boys who think they are bad and who laugh at other performances, were actually listening to you and it really reached them. None of the girls want any of the boys going through the stuff you’ve been through. Please do come and do more stuff.”

“The talk was really relevant to what the children are facing today. This had a real impact on the whole class. 2 girls needed time out to talk about how knife crime on family/friends had affected them. All the children were engaged. It helped school staff spot some children who appeared quite vulnerable to this type of crime and possible easy targets. It was great that Anton gave them advice to think for themselves rather than following others.”

“It’s helped me to believe in myself. Thank-you Sam and Anton for sticking by me from the start. I have learnt how to talk about things and how to deal with things”

“Helped me feel more confident in myself and helped my panic attacks stop and I now have the proper methods of how to cope.”