We need to see results
The Guiding Young Minds service is committed to achieving outcomes. If our work did not result in changes in young people’s lives and reduced violence in our society then the service would not be worthwhile.
GYM uses the following accredited psychometric tools to measure outcomes:
- Strengths and Difficulties questionnaire (SDQ
- Revised Impact of Event Scale (R-IES)
- Adverse Childhood Experiences questionnaire
- Buss & Perry Aggression Questionnaire
- Edinburgh Study of Youth Transitions (3) (ESYTC)
Getting Recognised
Guiding Young Minds work has been rigorously evaluated and highly commended by some of the most prestigious organizations in the industry.
Click to read about more these evaluations
GYMs Youth Endowment Fund Evaluation
From 2019 to 2022 Guiding Young Minds underwent comprehensive evaluation by the Youth Endowment Fund.
This involved both comprehensive collection and evaluation of outcome data and also interviews with young people, parents, teachers and social workers.
Comments from the YEF report included:
Ofsted Evaluation
In March 2024 a Joint targeted area inspection of Coventry was carried out by inspectors from Ofsted, the Care Quality Commission (CQC), His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) and His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Probation (HMIP).
The Inspectors highlighted Guiding Young Minds as a highly effective practice within the city:
” The Guiding Young Minds project is an outreach community-based provision that offers mentoring and specialist holistic services to children. Guiding Young Minds has established four youth clubs in areas of high crime and antisocial behaviour. These youth clubs offer a safe space and access to support for children and young people who require it. Children benefit from positive activities that occupy their time purposefully, meaning they avoid spending time unsupervised on the streets. A mobile outreach van is also offered to engage with communities at times of heightened tensions and antisocial behaviour to offer the community a safe space and source of support. “

The importance of feedback
Collecting feedback is another very important way of finding out to what extent GYM has helped a young person.
Click on the links to read feedback from:
Young Mentees Feedback
Parents Feedback
Parents offer a unique perspective on the positive changes in their children’s behaviour, attitudes, and well-being. They share stories of improved relationships, renewed trust, and a hopeful future – highlighting the profound impact GYM has had on their families.
Police Feedback
Schools Feedback
This school would highly recommend every school working with you (GYM).”