Outreach & Bus

Outreach Service and the GYM Youth Bus

GYM outreach sessions take place across Coventry, Northamptonshire, Warwickshire and beyond. The bus can park in the town square, in the park or even by the side of the road. Coventry council has given us a key and permission to access all the parks in Coventry, which we do in school holidays as well as during after school hours.

The bus basically acts as a mobile youth club. It transports a variety of sports and games equipment, which is set up in each area for the use of local young people without cost, and can travel to different communities where there is a lack of youth provision. This is funded either by the police; the Youth justice service; or different communities.

What is the purpose of the Outreach?

These sessions with the GYM youth bus represent a proactive approach to community outreach, allowing us to directly engage with young people where they are, in different settings and diverse environments.

The aim is to raise awareness around gangs and knife crime and provide opportunities for young people to talk to the youth workers, either one to one or in groups.

Bringing the GYM bus with us when we can

We often find that following a workshop or presentation in a school assembly, individual young people will approach members of our team wanting to open up about what is going on for them, if they would like to do so.

If the school can accommodate this, we like to take our GYM youth bus when we visit schools, and this allows young people to visit us during break-times, to talk confidentially if they would like to do so. Alternatively, we can arrange a drop-in facility in a school classroom.

If the need becomes apparent schools can refer young people for individual mentoring.

We go where we are needed

Do you think visits from the GYM bus could benefit your neighbourhood or educational centre?

GYM outreach sessions are very popular and the youth bus is now in use most days. It is always promoted on our social media when the youth bus will be around.

However, if you feel the presence of the bus could benefit your neighbourhood contact GYM to book outreach sessions either as a one off or a block.

Busy day at the GYM bus

Reducing Violence and Building Trust

How the GYM Youth Bus Transforms High-Risk Areas.

Police and local authorities book these sessions to work particularly in underprivileged areas or where there is increased anti-social behaviour. Evidence has been collected to show that violence is reduced on days when GYM outreach is in place, and we have received last minute calls to travel to and set up in an area where local intelligence has suggested that trouble is brewing.

We need a new bus

Our GYM Youth Bus has been essential in reducing youth violence and anti-social behavior across the city by engaging young people in positive activities and when our bus and team are present, violence decreases, and communities feel safer.

However, demand for our service is higher than ever, and our single bus is fully booked every day. To expand our impact, we need a second bus — and we need your help to make it happen. Even a small contribution from local businesses can help us reach our goal.

If your business can make a donation, in return, we’ll recognise your business as a sponsor on our website, promotional materials, and at our programs. Individuals can also make a big impact, visit our support page and join us in creating safer communities.

Coventry Police

Police reports about Guiding Young Minds' Outreach Services

Please can I thank you for your incredible work over the summer.

I have sent you an invite for a more formal review of the summer in terms of capturing all the learning and impact, but this morning I shared some info the police have shared with me, so I wanted to add it here so you can share with individuals who worked over the summer:

“This is absolutely amazing.”

I know we aspire to do even more, but you and your team have helped keep children and young people safer over the summer. You should be incredibly proud of this! – This is a really important achievement since Coventry has previously been reported as having a severe problem with knife crime.

The Daily Mail wrote an article talking about knife crime in Coventry. GYM’s aim is to change this.

Areas GYM Covers:

Areas we cover